Having an original approach to a sport

If you want to train a sport, then you’re well on your way to becoming strong and healthy. And this is always a good thing no matter who you are. But if you want your training to be well worth your while – then you will have to take a somewhat original approach to your training sessions.

We’ll take Muay Thai as an example of this. If you want to train Muay Thai, then you will be able to do so easily. You can just hop into the next training camp in your area and you can come and go as you please. You can train once a week or even once a month. But will this be enough for you to really get good at Muay Thai? We don’t think so.

What you want to do is take a bit more persistent, original approach to learning Muay Thai. You will have to be better and more persistent than everybody else if you wish to get good at it. And this is not something that can come to you overnight.

It’s likely that you will have to develop this character trait yourself. And in what way you can do this? By actually being the person that you want to become. Long story short – if you wish to become more persistent, then start by being more persistent. Sure, it will be more difficult at first – it’s in the nature of things. But as you persist it will become easier to persist even more.

Of course, it’s very important not to overdo things. If you train Muay Thai 8 hours a day for 6 months, then it’s very likely that you will experience a dramatic burnout. Don’t take “persistence” to its extreme. Always be rational about it and you will find that your Muay Thai skills will grow while you’re doing this.

In the end, you will become a proficient martial artist and you will grow as a person if you follow the advice from above. It’s is this goal that you should aspire to for the biggest return on your investment of time and effort.

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